Learn Inside Secrets From The Leading Authority on Fluoridation in Tap Water
Dr. Bill Osmunson grew up in Kenya, received his Public Health Master’s Degree and Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from Loma Linda University. As a dentist for 33 years and now with two son-in-law dentists working with him. Dr. Bill is President of Washington Action for Safe Water and a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
For 25 years Dr. Bill promoted fluoridation and with prodding by his patients, once again looked at the science surrounding fluoridation and it was like a knee in the gut.
What you will learn in this powerful interview:
- How fluoride can break down your gums and teeth
- You will also learn in this powerful interview what fluoridation is
- You will also learn who is responsible for putting fluoride in your tap water
- You will also learn how much fluoride are we getting
- and much more!
This is a powerful audio interview that you have to listen to over and over again. This powerful audio interview has lots and lots of value. We cover a lot of important health issues that will change your life. This interview is going to Enrich your life Enjoy.
Get It Today For Only $97
Total Running Time: Roughly 1 hour, 10 minutes